Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day Brant/What we been doing.

Happy Father's Day!!!!

Brant is such a great daddy, He loves taking his girls out on dates, camping, boating, and bike riding. Our girls get so excited when he comes home from work, and they rather be cuddle up in his arms then be with mom. To the best Dad in the world HAPPY FATHERS DAY. We went camping two weeks ago, and my sister and her family brought up their motorcycles, well Kaelyn wanted to ride it by herself so daddy taught her how.
The girls had a dance competition at Lagoon Kaelyns team took 2nd
and Kels team was 1st. Way to go girls.

Two weeks ago we went to my nephew baptism, and the girls were able to ride the horses at my sisters. Kirsten was so excited she kept jumping out of my arms to get close one. Any time I would take her away she would scream at me. She loved being on the horse and going for a ride with her daddy.

Kaelyn graduated from Kindergarten last month she had Mrs. Wells who is the best teacher. Kae is such a smart little girl and loves to learn. Thank you Mrs. Wells for being such an amazing role model for these young kids.

This is Frank the best crossing guard in the world, the kids would get all excited to see him every morning.

Our friends the Fox's put together a T-ball team for the 3 year olds in the neighborhood. Kels was so excited to be able to play ball. She loves Skee and likes to get hugs from him when she sees him. Thanks Angie and Skee for putting it together it was awesome, and fun for the kids.

1 comment:

Bellblogging said...

I love that picture of Kae on the motorcylce, she is awesome. Thanks for having Jada she loved it!