We would like to wish all of our Family and Friends a Happy Holiday Season!!!!
Every year I plan to make Christmas cards and send them out, but I always fail to get them sent. So thanks to blogging this is my family's card and wishes for all our loved ones. This time of year always helps me to look back at the past year and think of all we have been blessed with in our family. We are so grateful for our health and the Lord who had a hand in all of it. For those who were not aware Brant and myself had a scare with tumors in our heads. Though they were not life threatening they posed a great deal of pain, and wonder of the could of beens and what if. I truly feel that the Lord blessed us and watched over us in our recoveries. I also learned alot about myself and my relationship with Brant and the Lord. And through it all I've grown closer to both of them, and love them with all my heart.
We joined the Olson side of our family for a fun day at the zoo!
Of course my kids had a break down at this time so they
are not seen in this family picture.
Thanks Katie for the invite the girls enjoyed the day,
especially being able to spend it with Tate.